Category: Flooring Products

Floor sustainability

Selecting Environmentally-Friendly Flooring

One of the first things home owners think of when embarking on a home improvement project is pulling up that dusty, stained and frayed old carpet. The next step is deciding what to put in its place: new carpet or some other type of flooring.

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The Various Types of Flooring in Homes

Floors are usually the part of the house that attracts a guest’s attention. When the guest steps their foot on your floor, they will most probably notice and check what kind of flooring you have.

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Why Stain your Concrete Floor

Acid staining can make a common concrete floor look like expensive natural stone flooring. Not only is it a fraction of the price, but for people allergic to carpeting materials, it brings much relief.

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Going Green for Gorgeous Floors

Hardwood floors are beautiful, but anyone who has been through a hardwood floor refinishing project knows how it can be dusty, toxic and generally unhealthy. That’s why most homeowners vacate their homes during the process.

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procedure flooring

Procedures for Finishing a New Floor

Reapplying coats to an already finished floor or applying finish to a new floor requires a specific procedure. When finishing a new floor, always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for prepping the floor.

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